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Look Book - #Streetwear No2

A l p h a I n d u s t r i e s C r i m s o n B o m b e r

Anyone collecting or just discovering bomber jackets should get to know Alpha Industries. They're the most prolific producers of the modern style of bomber jacket, & in my opinion the best! Distinguished by their signature 'Remove Before Flight' arm zip tags. They price within the premium bracket. Most jackets go for £190 + which is warranted the moment you observe & feel the build quality of their designs. This is 1 of 3 I own & regularly make a point of visiting my local Choice Store or the Alpha Industries website to drool over new season designs. With such a bold jacket the 'play it safe' rule of matching colours across an outfit needn't apply. Opting for primary combinations of red (or in this case crimson), white & blue works well as these colours always compliment each other. Letting the jacket take center stage, I tailed the outfit with a white Diesel T-shirt, blue over-ripped Zara jeans, white Flystepper 2k3's with red soles & a steel strapped Calvin Klein Celerity Watch. Accented by a discreet chipset pendant necklace from Greenwich Market & chrome/black ring from Top Man. K

See 'where-to-buy' links below images

W h e r e t o b u y ?

J a c k e t : A l p h a I n d u s t r i e s


T S h i r t : D i e s e l


J e a n s : Z a r a


T r a i n e r s : N i k e


W a t c h : C a l v i n K l e i n


N e c k l a c e : G r e e n w i c h M a r k e t


R i n g : T o p m a n



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